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Officer Academy Advanced
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Officer Academy Advanced

CalAnimals Officer Academy Advanced - Your Animal Control Officers and Humane Officers now have the opportunity to complete an advanced training academy on their own time, at their own pace, without travel. 40+ hours of self-paced online instruction to be completed within 4 months of your registration date.

 Export to Your Calendar 7/31/2024 to 7/31/2025
When: *40+ hours of self-paced, online instruction
*Register ANYTIME - Receive access for 4 months
Where: VIRTUAL - On Demand - Start anytime, take up to 4 months to complete curriculum!
United States

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*Each attendee must sign-in with their own Employee Sub-Account, CACO Profile, or Learner Profile prior to registering.



Officer Academy Advanced






Animal Welfare Professionals






Animal Control Officers and Humane Officers now have the opportunity to complete an advanced training academy on their own time, at their own pace, without travel.

This is a web-based, on-demand course consisting of more than 40 hours of training to advance skills for investigations, work more effectively with the public, respond to disasters, implement effective programs for cats, safely interact with wildlife, and more! This course meets the requirements for 40 CEUs every 3 years outlined in Health and Safety Code Sec 26222 and California Corporations Code Section 14502 for Certified Animal Control Officers and State Humane Officers. This academy is a collection of video trainings conducted by a variety of exceptional experts in our field.

View Course Outline.

The CalAnimals Certified Animal Control Officer program is our state’s voluntary certification program for ACOs. To obtain certification you must be employed as an ACO and have taken PC 832 Arrest, Search and Seizure, along with a qualifying animal law academy. To renew your 3-year certification you must complete 40 additional hours of qualified instruction, such as this advanced academy.






FAQ - How to sign up for trainings.

$400 Members
(staff of CalAnimals member organizations)

$450 Non-members (Learners):
or create a Learner Profile



  • Sign-in with attendee's account:

    Use Promo Code,
    if one was provided by your manager.
    Or, pay by credit card at checkout.
    Or, invoice primary account for your agency (CEO/Director).
    Option will appear at checkout.

  • Register someone other than yourself: Sign-in with attendee's account.

CACOs: Please register using your CACO Profile login credentials.



**Please note: CalAnimals webinars and trainings are for informational purposes only. Please check with your own municipality, legal counsel, and/or veterinarian to determine which activities are appropriate for your agency.